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yearweek() is a constructor for <grates_yearweek> objects. These are weeks whose first day can be specified by the user.


yearweek(year = integer(), week = integer(), firstday = 1L)




Vector representing the year associated with week.

double vectors will be converted via as.integer(floor(x)).



Vector representing the week associated with `year.

double vectors will be converted via as.integer(floor(x)).



The day the week starts on from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).


A <grates_yearweek> object with subclass corresponding to the first day of the week they represent (e.g. <grates_yearweek_monday>).


For yearweek objects the first week of a "year" is considered to be the first yearweek containing 4 days of the given calendar year. This means that the calendar year will sometimes be different to that of the associated yearweek object.


Internally <grates_yearweek> objects are stored as the number of weeks (starting at 0) from the date of the firstday nearest the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01). That is, the number of seven day periods from:

- 1969-12-29 for `firstday` equal to 1 (Monday)
- 1969-12-30 for `firstday` equal to 2 (Tuesday)
- 1969-12-31 for `firstday` equal to 3 (Wednesday)
- 1970-01-01 for `firstday` equal to 4 (Thursday)
- 1970-01-02 for `firstday` equal to 5 (Friday)
- 1970-01-03 for `firstday` equal to 6 (Saturday)
- 1970-01-04 for `firstday` equal to 7 (Sunday)


yearweek(year = 2000L, week = 3L)
#> <grates_yearweek_monday[1]>
#> [1] "2000-W03"