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The reconverse aims to provide a coherent and composable suite of analytics tools for informing the response to disease outbreaks, health emergencies and humanitarian crises, using the R software environment.
We work hard to ensure packages within the reconverse fulfil three key goals:
- Efficiency: Packages can be used in real time to improve situation awareness and inform intervention strategies.
- Reliability: Packages are thoroughly and constantly tested using professional software development methods.
- Accessibility: Packages are free, open-source, and available on virtually any platform; and can be used with different levels of expertise.
- the blog for the posts about the reconverse;
- Packages for an overview of the ecosystem;
- Lifecycle for a description on how we describe package maturity; and
- Origins for the history behind the reconverse.
This website is made with the distill package and uses a custom theme by Desirée De Leon.